Saturday, August 14, 2010

Can we get rid of horse feeding extremism please?

Many modern horse owners seem to fall into one of two extremist categories when it comes to horse feed. The first category seems to be those who have embraced the natural horse keeping ideal of unlimited pasture or grass hay and nothing else. Or they go buy a bag of mixed feed and feed a bucketful in the morning and a bucketful at night with a couple flakes of hay thrown in just for good measure.

Both will work fine in some cases for some horses. But lately I have run into several horse owners who refuse to deviate from their chosen extreme even when they are aware that it is not working for their horses. Not all horses are the same, not all situations are the same. If it works for the other 8 horses in the barn it doesn't mean it will work for your horse. If you expect to take good care of your horses you must be willing to change tactics when what you are doing isn't working. You also must be willing to do your research to find optimal solutions instead of just what is easy.

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